Below is a short piece I did for Der Spiegel on the German election campaign, first in English and then, a part translated (not by me) German version. I do so wish I had not lost my German. Used to be virtually fluent, now get by. I blame French and France. Favourite language, spend too much time there. But Germany is a wonderful country and German a great language too and Merkel a hugely impressive leader.

Spiegel piece…

It would be very difficult in British politics to have a campaign in the way Merkel has conducted it. She was very low key, not making massive, big visionary speeches, not going to the jugular of her opponents. Ed Miliband is trying to be similarly measured and thoughtful, but he gets attacked for it. Of course, her campaign could have had more heat between her and the other candidates. But why should she go out and take risks?

Most people think a modern politician is somebody who’s out there, Obama-style rhetoric, good looking, young, full of energy. Merkel actually is very powerful, but doesn’t shout about her power. That makes her stronger. Voters aren’t stupid, they have a real sense of authenticity. And that is something Merkel has in spades.
I’m a big fan of Germany, your debates in media and politics are much more intelligent and mature than ours. In Britain we have such a ridiculous debate about Europe, a lot of it is based on lies and myths. When you look at German newspapers, however, you see mountains of words, people read in depth about what’s going on. My impression is that this feeds more healthy discussions.

Of all the major leaders I find Merkel the most impressive, and I would include America and Russia. She has credibility. I’m biased because I’m Labour, but I don’t think David Cameron has that respect. Merkel, Hollande or Putin would certainly not look at Cameron and think, wow, this guy is the same league as Thatcher or Blair.
There is something modern German about Merkel. She emanates a sense and a feeling of what she’s about and that makes her such a successful politician. She has handled the Euro crisis extraordinary well, considering how difficult it must be for Germany having to bail out the rest of Europe – and also how difficult it must be for her to be painted in the poorer countries as a witch who is making their lives more difficult.

Germany is the most powerful nation on the continent. A lot of other countries in that position would swagger and throw their weight about. The nice thing about Germany is that there’s a sense that with great power comes responsibility. I don’t think the relationship between Britain and Germany is going to change a lot after the elections.

It seems as if Merkel has an ability to have a dialogue with her own public on an intelligent level. This can be cumbersome and dense at times, but with most positions she takes you can see where she’s coming from. She’s got the tone right in these times. That’s a very effective form of modern communication.

– German version –

Ein Wahlkampf, wie ihn Angela Merkel geführt hat, wäre in England schwierig durchzuhalten. Sehr zurückhaltend, ohne visionäre Reden, ganz ohne jemandem an die Gurgel zu gehen. Ed Miliband, der Labour-Vorsitzende, versucht gerade, ähnlich zu agieren, aber er wird dafür schwer kritisiert. Natürlich hätte Merkels Wahlkampf, die Auseinandersetzung zwischen ihr und ihren politischen Gegnern, hitziger sein können. Aber warum hätte sie Risiken eingehen sollen?

Die meisten Menschen denken, dass ein moderner Politiker immer präsent, die rhetorischen Fähigkeiten Barack Obamas besitzen, gut aussehen und voller Energie sein muss. Merkel hat sehr viel Macht, aber sie brüllt das nicht zum Fenster hinaus. Das macht sie noch stärker. Die Wähler sind nicht dumm, sie spüren sehr genau, wer authentisch ist.

Ich bin ein großer Fan von Deutschland. Die Art, wie dort Debatten zwischen Politikern und Journalisten geführt werden, ist klüger und reifer als bei uns.
Wir diskutieren in Großbritannien auf die denkbar lächerlichste Weise über Europa, vieles sind Lügen oder Halbwahrheiten. Wenn sich deutsche Zeitungen anschaut, sieht man Berge von Wörtern. Die Menschen können in aller Breite und Tiefe lesen, was gerade passiert. Ich glaube, dadurch entstehen gesündere Debatten.
Von allen Staatschefs ist für mich Angela Merkel am eindrucksvollsten. Sie verkörpert das moderne Deutschland, sie gibt nicht vor, jemand anders zu sein als sie selbst. Zudem agiert sie in der Schuldenkrise außerordentlich geschickt, obwohl es brutal sein muss, halb Europa zu retten und in den ärmeren Ländern als Hexe gebrandmarkt zu werden.