New website, new look, new book, New European, new and old battles to fight

OK, I’ve listened. I’ve listened to people like the wonderfully named James Ski, who stood up at a mental health event I was speaking at, and said ‘I’m a big fan, but your website’s shit.’ His considered advice was that it was old-fashioned and hard to use...

My film on the Mail – and why it is good for the soul to rip it up

I know, I know, I am almost sixty years old, a grown man even  ... and yes, if my Mum was still alive, she'd say 'tut, tut, Alastair, why are you bothering to make a film about that silly man from the Daily Mail that most people have never heard of, and none but his...
Michel Barnier in happier times (talking to me and @rorystewartuk last year) - one of the subjects under discussion on latest @restispolitics as the French government faces collapse; plus challenges to U.K. government; eruption of fresh warfare in Syria, and a trend-bucking election in Ireland

Michel Barnier in happier times (talking to me and @rorystewartuk last year) - one of the subjects under discussion on latest @restispolitics as the French government faces collapse; plus challenges to U.K. government; eruption of fresh warfare in Syria, and a trend-bucking election in Ireland ...

New @restispolitics LEADING with Chris Patten - MP, minister under Thatcher and Major, Tory chairman, Hong Kong Governor, Oxford chancellor, BBC chairman and more. Doesn’t hold back on all of the above and more LINK IN BIO

New @restispolitics LEADING with Chris Patten - MP, minister under Thatcher and Major, Tory chairman, Hong Kong Governor, Oxford chancellor, BBC chairman and more. Doesn’t hold back on all of the above and more LINK IN BIO ...

Tree of the Day

Tree of the Day ...

Perfect penalty to seal perfect win @joshbrownhill_ (your dad was just in front of me so good job you scored!) #utc

Perfect penalty to seal perfect win @joshbrownhill_ (your dad was just in front of me so good job you scored!) #utc ...

Perfect penalty by Josh Brownhill seals perfect win #utc

Perfect penalty by Josh Brownhill seals perfect win #utc ...

Nice walk from station to stadium @stokecity #utc

Nice walk from station to stadium @stokecity #utc ...

Coming off the bench to help out @scaramucci on @restpoliticsus @katty.b.kay having decided to have what I believe is called a “holiday!” LINK IN BIO for me and the Mooch talking all things US politics

Coming off the bench to help out @scaramucci on @restpoliticsus @katty.b.kay having decided to have what I believe is called a “holiday!” LINK IN BIO for me and the Mooch talking all things US politics ...

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